Ballet Dancer wearing Construction Boots Chess Puzzle #chesspuzzle

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0292 Manfred Herzog vs Udo Helscher
This is a mate in 3 problem that is fairly easy to solve. Pause the video if you need more time. Enjoy the solution, filled with strange constructions and allusions. This series of shorts is intended to make you relax while learning chess analysis. I hope you enjoy these little videos to be consumed with moderation... Let me know if you like chess problems in 1, 2, 3 or more moves. I tried to comment the moves with some humour as I think while chess is a very thinking game, it has an entertaining edge that is uncommon. The beauty is in the head of the beholder. Enjoy these small breaks in your busy schedule.

Narration of the solution
White's player, goes to f7 expecting YouTube to have copyright issues with Twitch music, says check, then waits for a drum roll,
Black, as dark as a moonless night, what do you expect? h8 is on a chessboard, it's not Aspen,
The player with the RGB 255 pieces, remembers a Lasker double bishop sacrifice while taking the Pawn on h6, All aboard the check express! Next stop: Checkmate station!
The player with Black pieces, invites the Rook on h6 for a surprise retirement party,
The player with the pale pieces, is thinking that move to h7 is a deja vu, with the elegance of a ballet dancer wearing construction boots, delivers a checkmate.

music by Sergii Pavkin, Keyframe_Audio, Lexin_Music, Oleksandr Savochka, REDproductions, StudioKolomna, John Patitucci, Mini Vandals, TrackTribe, Jimena Contreras, Nathan Moore

Chess problems:

Programming: All videos were generated with Python coding to adjust music, images and narrations in a blend of entertaining flow. The voices are from elevenlabs and include mine that I trained with about 3 minutes of AI generated text. Chat GPT and really helped. Narrations are randomised for delight in discovery and odd pairing. Writing by Master_of_None, he knows a lot but masters nothing, including chess. Zen4ttitude on


Many thanks to the python-chess community.

Any resemblance to a statement out of context in describing a chess move is completely fortuitous and should not be taken at face value more than once.

There is no way I could have produced close to 500 chess videos without resorting to programming. Hope you like it and in a sense we now have immortalised part of these games on Youtube archives. What should I tackle next?

Training your mind to recognise mating patterns in chess is really important to guide your game strategy. There are many chessboard phases in the evolution of the game. The opening is when there are the most pieces on the board. Some of the decisions made during the opening phase have impact throughout the middle-game that sits between the few initial moves and the end game, usually declared when the Queens are traded. To improve, study mates and endings. There are usually less pieces on the board and it is easier to recognise patterns. Anticipation of an ending you know could guide your middle-game decisions...

The best openings include:
Ruy-Lopez: One of the oldest known chess openings, it offers white chances for a long-term pawn-structure advantage.

Italian Game: Leads to quick development and central control. The Evans Gambit and Two Knights Defense are also part of this family.

Sicilian Defense (e4 c5): Known for creating unbalanced positions, it's the most popular reply to 1.e4.

French Defense (e4 e6): Solid defence against the King's pawn opening, focusing on pawn chain structures.

Caro-Kann Defense (e4 c6): A solid reply to 1.e4 which aims for a more robust pawn structure compared to the Sicilian.

Queen's Pawn Opening (d4 d5)
Queen's Gambit Declined: A classic and solid response to the Queen's Gambit.
Queen's Gambit Accepted: Black accepts the gambit and tries to maintain the extra pawn.

King's Indian Defense (d4 Nf6 c4 g6): A hypermodern opening where Black lets White occupy the center early with the aim of counter-attacking later.

Nimzo-Indian Defense (d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4): Black immediately challenges White's pawn center and seeks to exploit pinning the knight to the queen.

Slav Defense (d4 d5 c4 c6): A solid and classical way to defend the d5 pawn, often leading to pawn structure battles.

English Opening (c4): A flexible and strategic opening that can transpose into many other openings.

Reti Opening (Nf3 d5 c4): A hypermodern opening focusing on control of the center from a distance, often leading to a rich middlegame.

Chess keeps you young and alert, keep on learning!

If you read all this, feel free to contribute one liners that I could include in the narration. My favourite is "Chuck Norris solves a mate in 3, in one move!"

#chess #chessgame #chesspuzzle #chesstactics #chessproblems #chessshorts #chessvideo

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