The Plight of the Mongolian Wild Horse: Reintroducing and Re-wilding the Takhi - by Katie Zimmerman

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Speaker: Katie Zimmerman
Lecture Date: Monday, 11 December 2023

Talk Synopsis:
- Katie shares her research and engagement relating to the history of the Takhi, and their reintroduction into a designated home range in Mongolia.
- The Takhi (also known as Przewalski’s horse) is the last surviving horse species that has never been domesticated.

- Takhi (pronounced ta-key), Mongolia’s wild horses.
- Takhi means "Spirit" in Mongolian, and reflects a reverence for
the animal and the horse family which is so important to the

Biography of Speaker : Katie Zimmerman
- Katie Zimmerman is a Senior Biologist with Dubai Holding’s The Green Planet where she manages the flora and fauna collections.
- She has conducted environmental research across four continents including field work in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest and the steppes of Mongolia.
- Her work focuses on the intersectionality of environmental research and behavioral- conservation science. Her multi-national research on diversity and equity in environmental industries has been published in American professional journals.

For more information, kindly refer to DNHG Lecture web page:

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