1:20 The Bruins are out and Feits is sad
22:44 Mintzy's slip up
32:15 Texas Recap
01:08:46 woman has orgasm during concert
01:17:36 Video Voicemails
01:28:20 Lewis Black Interview Teaser
Pirate Water:
Go to https://barstool.link/drinkpiratewater to find pirate water in a location near you
Barstool Store:
Shop now at https://store.barstoolsports.com
Catch the rest of the podcast here: https://linktr.ee/kfcr
Looking for a side-splitting comedy podcast? Look no further than KFC Radio from Barstool Sports! Hosted by Kevin Clancy and John Feitelberg, this hilarious show covers everything from pop culture and current events to personal stories and relationship advice. With their signature irreverent humor and quick wit, Kevin and John keep their listeners laughing week after week. Tune in for a dose of gut-busting laughter and become a part of the KFC Radio community today!
#KFCRadio #BarstoolSports
1:20 The Bruins are out and Feits is sad
22:44 Mintzy's slip up
32:15 Texas Recap
01:08:46 woman has orgasm during concert
01:17:36 Video Voicemails
01:28:20 Lewis Black Interview Teaser
Pirate Water:
Go to https://barstool.link/drinkpiratewater to find pirate water in a location near you
Barstool Store:
Shop now at https://store.barstoolsports.com
Catch the rest of the podcast here: https://linktr.ee/kfcr
Looking for a side-splitting comedy podcast? Look no further than KFC Radio from Barstool Sports! Hosted by Kevin Clancy and John Feitelberg, this hilarious show covers everything from pop culture and current events to personal stories and relationship advice. With their signature irreverent humor and quick wit, Kevin and John keep their listeners laughing week after week. Tune in for a dose of gut-busting laughter and become a part of the KFC Radio community today!
#KFCRadio #BarstoolSports
- Category
- Tags
- kfc radio, kfc voicemail, barstool sports